Overcoming Infertility

By Beverly Goode-Kanawati, DO

While infertility can be a complex challenge, sometimes the answer is as simple as improving what you eat. Over the years we have had a number of patients come to us asking about fertility issues. Many have had extensive work-ups showing they have normal open tubes and are ovulating. Fertility specialists can’t pinpoint the reason why they can’t become pregnant.

It is very important to understand that—simply put—infertility can result from being unhealthy. A woman may feel “OK,” but will often be eating very poorly—especially eating too much sugar— will not be getting enough nutrients or enough sleep; and will have too much stress. Together, these factors imbalance the hormones, and the body says, “don’t ask me to reproduce, I’m just treading water!”

After a number of successes, we have designed a nutritional protocol—called “Super Baby”—for pre-pregnancy and pregnancy. We found that the majority of the babies born using these methods were born able to hold their heads up at birth without assistance (of course being careful), and very alert. As these children started to grow their mothers reported to us that they were reaching developmental milestones in advance of their age! 


“Lynn” had been to several specialists and was told that she “checked out OK.” They had no answer as to why she could not get pregnant for the last three years. I reviewed her whole medical history and family history in great detail and finally I looked at her diet. I looked at her and said “I know you are going to think I am way out there, but I know what the problem is and I believe that you can become pregnant within three months.” She was incredulous. However, she was motivated and had tried so many things she decided to try. She came back for her second visit two months later, pregnant. She said that many of her family members thought it was just a coincidence but she knew the diet changes and vitamins she took helped make her healthy enough to become pregnant!


“Sharon” was a lovely 28-year-old woman who had been trying to become pregnant for four years. A year previously she had taken fertility injections and also had been told that her husband’s sperm count was low with low motility. Nothing worked and she was feeling entirely helpless. I performed a number of investigative blood tests on her and her husband. Again, I prescribed a low-sugar, healthy diet, removed some potential food allergens and started her on some vitamin and mineral supplements. I gave her husband some nutrients also to help with sperm count and motility. I counseled her on obtaining enough sleep and reducing stress. I had her monitor her cycles (she was familiar with this after all the fertility treatments she took) and right after ovulation had her take bio-identical progesterone. Two months later she called me joyously to tell me she was pregnant.


“Bethany” was a 33-year-old nurse who had been trying to become pregnant for over three years. Her one pregnancy ended in an early miscarriage. She suffered from endometriosis, short cycles, 7-10 days of PMS, allergies, burning of skin on her arms and thighs, cold hands, cold feet, and symptoms of hypoglycemia. Her diet was high in sugar and other refined carbohydrates, such as white flour and white rice products. She sought the advice of a fertility expert and had surgery for the endometriosis. Her fallopian tubes were clear, but fertility medication was unsuccessful. The stress of her infertility, she said, was putting a strain on her marriage.

Her laboratory tests showed she had low levels of antibodies that are sometimes seen in the autoimmune disease lupus (SLE). However, the levels of antibody were low and did not confirm a true diagnosis of this disease.


It is well known among fertility specialists that autoimmune disorders and even subclinical (not the full disease) autoimmune disease can lead to difficulty in achieving and maintaining a pregnancy. The important consideration is eliminating the cause of the autoimmune disease and helping the body repair itself. In Bethany’s case, we found a number of food and chemical allergies, as well as overall inflammation. I emphasized to her that the key to becoming pregnant and maintaining a pregnancy was to become healthy. Bethany was placed on a healthy diet, high in vegetables and fresh fruits, absent sugars, and started on targeted nutritional supplements and natural progesterone. I asked her to hold off on attempts to get pregnant until these autoimmune markers (blood tests) became negative—advice she did not take. Two months later, a pregnant Bethany came in beaming and happy. She had not used birth control methods, she said, because she did not believe she could get pregnant so quickly! Her blood tests had improved and she committed to continuing a healthy diet throughout her pregnancy.

These patients chose to become healthy, not just for themselves but for their families. Changing their lifestyles and improving overall health allowed them to achieve what they deemed miracle pregnancies—even though they had done the work themselves!

“Super Baby” Pre + Pregnancy Protocol

“Super Baby” evolved from Dr. Goode’s years of experience successfully treating patients with hormone imbalances and fertility issues. In addition to dietary changes, the protocol contains a set of core supplements. Supplement dosages and additional elements vary based on the individual needs, which are assessed in part using blood work and other lab tests.

One caution for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant: do not take extra vitamin A supplements beyond what is included in a pre-natal vitamin and make sure to review any herbal medicines you take with your doctor.

Dr. Beverly R. Goode-Kanawati, Director


6008 Creedmoor Road Raleigh, NC 27612

Telephone: (919) 844-4552



Originally published in Health & Healing in the Triangle, Vol. 22, No. 2, Health & Healing, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC, publishers. Reprinted with permission.

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