Video: To Keto or Not to Keto?

It’s hard not to hear about Keto these days – but is it really right for you?  Here are some thoughts from our Nutritionist, Sharon. She can help you find the diet that’s right for YOU!

Video In Summary: Sharon’s Opinion on the Keto Diet

It seems like there’s always a trendy diet of the moment, but that doesn’t mean that it is newly invented. Keto has been around since the early 1900’s when it was originally used for children with epilepsy. So the Keto Diet is much older than people think.

My opinion whether or not Keto is safe to do is…

Well, it depends. 

It depends on your health history and what you are using it for. Generally, however, a very high fat diet is not something I would typically recommend long term.

My preference is to give people something they can stick with long term rather than put them on a diet that feels very restrictive. When doing these fad diets, oftentimes people get tired of it then they sort of go careening off the rails, then they need another diet.

So it doesn’t really line up perfectly with my philosophy but I think keto can have some good points. Keto can be implemented well if it is something you need to do for a health condition. If that is the case, I recommend eating healthy, anti-inflammatory fats instead of loading up on saturated fats or trans fats that you would normally find in meat or processed foods.

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